
In Other News I Think I Just Got The Most Problematic Cuckolding Call Ever (TW Racism, transmisogyny, homophobia)

White cuckold dude wants his wife to be fucked  by a black trans woman who will make her into a “BBC loving lesbian”.

…except he used a slur instead of black and a slur instead of trans woman… and instead of lesbian.  I feel like I just won problematic fetish bingo and also really sad.

Is there an organization that benefits trans women of color I can donate some of this dickhead’s money to?


Niteflirt is contacting the authorities regarding the possible child molester

I hope they catch him.  I asked them to update me on the case as time goes on.

Other NF operators: Niteflirt does take customer’s talk of child abuse seriously and will contact the authorities for you.  If you hear about that sort of thing or other violent behavior (for example a desire to commit rape, murder, etc) please contact them 

I wonder if I should report the guy who was telling me about his experience with bestiality… I wasn’t sure I believed him but on the other hand..


I was always told you can’t mix Greek and Latin…


by who? i mean. the romans mixed greek and latin a great deal. that’s how language works. rules like that are basically ignoring the history of language – which is that origins mix, words are made from a variety of sources, and that whatever “rules” exist are bound to change. thats kind of why language is so fun, it’s really limitless.

A couple of social studies and English teachers… 


Have you seen the Koch Industries PR commercials? They are the best unintentional anti-anarcho-capitalist art I’ve seen in many many moons



Hmm, interesting, please go on (I have not seen it)

I’m just sayin’ when companies like BP and Halliburton and Koch Industries decide they need to remind the public who provides all the jobs (and by extension services/goods necessary for survival), it looks an awful lot like your private enterprises have in fact stepped into the role of the state and are perpetuating the same statist problems that the anarcho-capitalists like to rant about so much

Having watched it, YES YES amazing!

Then again I don’t think I’m quite an anarchist