
People Misunderstand What Commodity Fetishism Is So Bad

And turn it into an “oooooh liking stuff is bad” bullshit.

It’s actually just the way that markets divorce items from their use values.  Like buying a house you never intend to live in so you can sell it to someone else, or wheat futures you aren’t going to use to sell them on.


I’m Beginning To Develop A Theory About Makeup and Class and Historical Materialism

Ok so you have fairly egalitarian hunting/gathering type societies, you’ll notice that in these societies makeup is used equally by pretty much all men and women or sometimes to denote specific roles (like religious official or similar) or particular activities (you paint your face a specific way at this particular festivity)

Then you have monarchies, peasants and lower class people no longer wear makeup, makeup is worn by all members of the aristocracy regardless of gender.  Merchant class people may or may not wear some makeup.  Ancient Egypt was an exception of course as at least eyeliner was used by nearly everyone (though Egypt being uniquely fertile and uniquely predictable allowed more luxuries for common people than elsewhere, and eye kohl both prevented infection and offered protection from sunlight).  I am having trouble confirming the cosmetics practices of working people in ancient Japan, but I can say for certain aristocratic men and women did wear makeup, as there are accounts of Samurai rouging their cheeks before battle, as well as of the cosmetic practices of aristocratic women. I know that in ancient China aristocratic women did wear makeup, and we have little evidence on the cosmetics practices of working people and I am having trouble finding sources on what aristocratic men did or did not do.  In ancient India cosmetics were used by men and women, but I’m having trouble finding sources on how this related to class.

After bourgeois revolutions you see makeup and adornment being shunned in line with bourgeois values (the victorian era for example, makeup being banned under Cromwell, the French revolution, and actually considering the ultimately state capitalist character of many supposedly leftist revolutions, those too etc) but gradually coming back into favor but only or primarily for women.  Proletarian women wear more of it, lumpen prole men also may wear some at various points.

In Ancient Rome and Greece which were closer to bourgeois democracies you seem the same pattern of “generally frowned upon”, and “acceptable if used lightly” by women.

Obviously I’m extrapolating based on data points I have and will need to look for more examples and counterexamples world wide, but it is interesting.











I Like Anarchists And Marxists

Be nice to each other, guys.  We don’t know who’s right yet (at least that’s what I think, they may both work in different situations, maybe actually some other non-capitalist thing works, maybe one works all the time, testing has been inadequate to prove anything.)

Also I feel like most of the Anarchists and Marxists I know disagree fundamentally on what the definition of a state is… so like that’s a weird thing to have be your actual fundamental difference “We can’t agree on what the word ‘state’ means, let’s form rival tendencies” ugh stop.